How Are Vitamins Important To Us?


How Are Vitamins Important To Us
A Vitamin is an organic compound and these are essential to help your body grow and stay healthy. What this means, in simple terms, is that a vitamin is a natural chemical.

These essential vitamins are very essential for our health, there are thirteen main ones, and the lack of any of them can mean that you have a deficiency in a certain vitamin.

Vitamins come in two different types, fat-soluble and water-soluble. Of the main vitamins: A, D, E, and K, they are soluble in fat, and vitamins B and C are soluble in water.

Water-soluble vitamins are not stored by the body and therefore must be recharged regularly. In general, if you have a normal, well-balanced diet, you should provide your body with the vitamins it needs.

But if your diet is not completely balanced, then you may need to supplement the vitamins that you receive in your diet. This shows that vitamin supplements can be helpful.

Vitamins related facts

  • Vitamin B12 is found in meats, so this is something vegetarians should be aware of.
  • Vitamin C and B may be lacking in older people.
  • People who work night shifts may have a lack of vitamin D as their body produces this during daylight hours.
  • People who are overworked or people who work under pressure, and people who suffer from stress may lack vitamins B and C. People who follow diets can also lack these 2.
  • Vitamin B may be lacking in heavy drinkers.
  • Vitamin C deficiency can be problematic for both heavy smokers and heavy drinkers.

The usual way to get vitamins into your body is by eating. Some vitamins can be taken by injection, such as vitamin B12, but it is important that this is only done by a qualified physician.

When taking vitamins by mouth, they have to pass through your digestive system, and the strong acids in your stomach can destroy much of the usefulness of vitamins, so make sure you take the recommended dose, no more and no less.

Remember that even though you can have a healthy and well-balanced diet, your body’s natural processes can destroy some of the value of the vitamins you absorb. If you want to help preserve its effectiveness: eating fresh food and only light cooking will help increase the usefulness of vitamins.

Vitamin supplements help you increase any vitamin deficiencies you may have. And additional vitamins are more easily obtained (and used) in tablet form. Vitamin tablets can be multivitamins or individual vitamins.

The decision is up to you, what you take, and what you need, Unless, of course, your doctor has prescribed a vitamin supplement. Vitamin C, for example, is often recommended to keep the common cold at bay.

You should only take vitamins to help supplement a well-balanced diet and you shouldn’t go overboard, so take vitamin supplements in moderation. In fact, if your diet is as good as it should be, then you may not need vitamin supplements.

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