Hair Care Tips – How Can You Prevent Hair Problems?



Hair Care Tips - How to Prevent Problem Hair

Do you know that the sun can influence hair loss? Also, seawater or swimming pools can harm it, so you should protect it with a specific product.

The fall of the hair is one of the most common problems today, affecting most men and women, although in the case of them, usually occurs after menopause. In most cases, it can be prevented and with some recommendations, we can avoid suffering from this problem.

If you notice that your hair falls out or you want to avoid this problem, keep in mind the following recommendations that will help you prevent it. First of all, we remember that when the factor is inherited, it may be more difficult to control, however, it may be useful to read this to reduce the problem.

The causes that can influence this problem

  • Allergies
  • Medications
  • Feeding
  • Mineral deficiency
  • Anxiety
  • Use of irons and dryers are among others.

In any case, it is best to consult with the doctor or dermatologist so that he determines the specific cause.

Tips to control hair loss

1. Have a healthy diet

When we suffer from hair loss, having a healthy diet is essential to combat this problem and to have healthy, beautiful, and shiny hair.

The recommended thing is to have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, avoiding the consumption of fats and junk foods. To specifically treat and prevent hair loss, it is recommended to increase the consumption of certain vitamins :

  • A: which is responsible for stimulating hair growth.
  • B5: which regenerates the skin and hair, preventing it from weakening.
  • B3: is responsible for stimulating the circulation of blood in the scalp.
  • C: which works as a hair strengthening.
  • E: which serves to restore hair damage, nourish it, and prevent it from falling out.

2. Avoid sun exposure

UV rays not only affect the health of our skin but it is believed that our hair can also be quite affected. Exposing the hair to the sun can weaken it, dry it out, make it lose shine, and influence its fall.

3. Avoid the use of chemicals

Today, there are a wide variety of chemicals on the market to use on hair, and although some work as a treatment, others are only responsible for weakening it and influencing its loss.

The use of gel, dyes, and even some shampoos, can promote hair loss. It is very harmful to abuse the use of lacquers, jelly beans, fixatives, etc.

Try to use products of natural origin that will provide you with many of the aforementioned vitamins and will not have harmful effects by dispensing them with chemical products.

4. Use a suitable comb

When combing hair every day, we must also try to be very careful, since during brushing more hair can fall than normal if we do not do it correctly.

It is important to use a comb with wide gaps and avoid using brushes. In addition, we must try to keep the scalp clean, to prevent the follicles from clogging and this stimulates the fall.

5. Reduce the use of hats and scarves

It is believed that the frequent use of caps, hats, hats, scarves, etc. They can promote hair loss because they prevent oxygenation. In addition, it is also recommended to avoid the use of tweezers, hooks, and accessories to collect hair, since these exert a certain force and weaken it.

Other reasons

  • Avoid using irons, dryers, and tweezers
  • It is true that irons, dryers, and tweezers can help us give a better look to our hair. However, its continued use can cause damage to our hair, since it not only dries it and reduces its shine, but can also stimulate its fall.
  • The high temperatures to which we expose the hair make it weaker and fall more easily.
  • Try to avoid stress and worries.
  • Stress is another cause of falling hair, as we mentioned before because it produces a contraction of blood vessels that feed the hair. As a consequence our scalp becomes undressed and the hair becomes weak.

If you want to keep your hair and have it healthy, voluminous, and well-nourished for many years, follow these tips that we have recommended. You will not regret it.

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