Ayurvedic Medicine For Eyesight


Ayurvedic Medicine For Eyesight

The eyes are an essential part of our body. We are able to see everything only with the light of the eyes, but with the passage of time, the eyes start getting weak. Nowadays, the problem of low eyesight is being seen even in young people.

Even small children are wearing spectacles. In such a situation, it is important that you adopt some Ayurvedic remedies to increase your eyesight. Ayurvedic remedies are effective to increase eyesight. Learn which Ayurvedic remedies increase eyesight.

1. Amla Juice

Amla is very beneficial for increasing eyesight. For this, you can take amla juice. Amla is rich in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. If you want to increase your eyesight, the consumption of gooseberry is beneficial. This makes the eyes sharp, the retina works properly.

2. Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a very effective Ayurvedic remedy for improving eyesight. This herb can be used to increase eyesight. It protects against glaucoma, as well as prevents muscular degeneration. But before consuming it you must take the doctor’s advice.

3. Cow’s milk and ghee

If your eyes are weak, then you can include cow’s milk and ghee in your diet. Cow’s milk and ghee is a very good Ayurvedic remedies to sharpen eyesight. Eating cow’s ghee mixed with food is also beneficial for health.

4. Fennel

Handing is also beneficial for increasing eyesight. The antioxidants present in it increase eyesight. Prevents loss of eyesight. For this, eating one spoon of fennel powder mixed with milk daily increases eyesight. Fennel is very beneficial.

5. Triphala

Triphala Dhrit is very beneficial for increasing eyesight. Regular consumption of this can increase your eyesight. For this, mix Triphala Dhrit in milk and drink it. Due to this, your eyesight always remains correct and your eyes remain very healthy.

6. Almonds

Almond is a very effective remedy to make the eyes healthy and to increase eyesight. Almonds contain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which help in increasing eyesight. If you want to increase your eyesight, then definitely eat almonds daily.

7. Rose water

Rose water is also a very good Ayurvedic remedy to increase eyesight. It is considered very beneficial for the eyes. Rose water can be used to clean the dirt in the eyes, cool the eyes and increase eyesight. For this, put drops of rose water in your eyes for at least three days.

8. Ginkgo Biloba

This is one of the best Ayurvedic remedies to improve eyesight. It not only improves vision but also protects you from glaucoma and macular degeneration. Some research also suggests that it may be helpful for people with retinopathy. However, children and diabetic patients should not use it at all.

9. Wild Asparagus

If you want your eyesight to be strong, then definitely include wild asparagus in your diet. There is nothing better than this to sharpen the eyes. This also brings shine to your eyes. Mix wild asparagus with honey and eat it daily with lukewarm milk. Do this regularly for a few months and see the difference yourself.

10. Himalayan Eyebright

This herb has been used since ancient times to improve eyesight. In fact, most of the products or foods that are good for your eyes contain Eyebright as a primary ingredient. According to a study conducted in South Africa, Eyebright drops can help in faster recovery from conjunctivitis.

11. Bilberry

This herb is said to contain powerful antioxidant flavonoids called anthocyanins, similar to blueberries and cranberries. In fact, it is believed that during World War II, Royal Air Force pilots consumed bilberry jam to help improve their night vision.

Try these remedies too

To keep the eyes healthy, you can also follow the tips mentioned below.

  • Mix Triphala water with rose water and wash your eyes with it twice daily.
  • Even after washing the eyes with cold water and filling the mouth with water, the eyes always remain healthy.
  • To keep your eyes healthy, always eat healthy foods and keep your distance from unhealthy foods.
  • Regular yoga and pranayama can be done to maintain health. Trataka kriya, which is the treatment of candlelight, is also very important.

If you also want to increase your eyesight, then you can try the Ayurvedic remedies mentioned above. But before trying any Ayurvedic remedy, do consult an Ayurvedic doctor.

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2 Responses

  1. jmismail59 says:

    Hi sir
    Where can I buy Triphala eye wash lotion

  2. Unknown says:

    I want this,where i get?

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