Which Ayurvedic Medicine Is Best For Irregular Periods?


Menstruation refers to the monthly release of blood from the uterus of a non-pregnant woman, occurring from puberty to menopause. The absence of menstrual flow is a significant sign for a woman to conceive a child. Typically, a normal menstrual flow lasts for 3-5 days, with a normal cycle ranging from 24 to 32 days.Ayurvedic Medicine Is Best For Irregular Periods

Irregular menstruation, on the other hand, is characterized by abnormal bleeding patterns that do not align with the regular menstrual cycle. This can include longer and heavier periods, missed periods, or bleeding that occurs outside the expected cycle.

Any uterine bleeding occurring at irregular intervals also falls under the category of irregular menstruation or menstrual disorders. It’s worth noting that irregularity is considered normal or physiological at both the beginning and end of a woman’s menstrual life.

Many women find these irregular periods to be quite uncomfortable, often experiencing severe abdominal pain or headaches. Irregular periods are a common occurrence that affects most women at least once in their lives.

Maintaining a record of menstrual dates and comparing them to subsequent cycles is the best way to assess the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Approximately 30% of women in their reproductive years experience irregular menstrual periods.

How Will You Know If You Have Irregular Menstruation?

Irregular menstruation can manifest in various ways, and the symptoms may differ from woman to woman. Here are some common symptoms associated with irregular menstruation:

1. Abnormal Bleeding Patterns: Irregular menstruation can involve changes in the duration, frequency, or intensity of bleeding. This can include shorter or longer menstrual cycles than usual, unusually heavy or light bleeding, or spotting between periods.

2. Missed Periods: Irregular menstruation often involves the absence of periods, with unpredictable gaps between menstrual cycles. Some women may skip periods entirely or experience long delays between periods.

3. Menstrual Cramps: Irregular periods can be accompanied by intense or prolonged menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) that cause discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen.

4. Hormonal Imbalance Symptoms: Hormonal fluctuations associated with irregular menstruation can lead to various symptoms such as mood swings, irritability, breast tenderness, bloating, acne breakouts, or changes in libido.

5. Changes in Menstrual Flow: Women with irregular periods may experience changes in the flow of blood during menstruation. This can include heavier or lighter flow than usual or irregular patterns within the same period.

6. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS): PMS symptoms like mood changes, fatigue, bloating, and breast tenderness may be more pronounced or occur irregularly in women with irregular periods.

7. Other Associated Symptoms: Some women with irregular periods may experience additional symptoms like headaches, nausea, digestive issues, weight fluctuations, or sleep disturbances.

It’s important to note that irregular menstruation can have various underlying causes, such as hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid disorders, stress, excessive exercise, certain medications, or underlying health conditions.

If you are experiencing irregular periods or concerning symptoms, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance.

Home Remedies for Irregular Menstrual Cycle

1. Carrot seeds: Carrot seeds mixed with saunth (dried ginger) is a very effective home remedy for treating irregular menstruation.

2. Papaya: Papaya is obliging in treating menstrual evils. Women (especially young women) who suffer from poor blood circulation during the menstrual period or those experiencing severe pain over this period should eat raw papaya. Papaya helps in the proper functioning of the muscles of the uterus, allowing adequate blood flow.

3. Beet juice: Beet juice when taken at a dose of 60-90 grams twice a day provides relief from all kinds of menstrual problems.

4. Coriander seed: Coriander seed is considered highly beneficial in the treatment of excessive menstruation. Boil 6 grams of seeds in half a liter of water and boil until half of what remains. This is one of the useful natural remedies for menstruation.

5. Fresh mango bark: The juice of the fresh mango bark is very beneficial for the treatment of excessive bleeding. A mixture of 10 ML of mango peel juice and 120 ml of water should be given at a dose of one teaspoon every hour after. This is a very effective home remedy for menstruation.

6. Ginger: Ginger is also an effective home remedy for menstrual problems. A piece of fresh ginger should be pounded and boiled in a cup of water and should be taken three times a day after meals. This is a better cure for menstruation.

7. Parsley (ajmoda):  Parsley is an easy and effective home remedy to treat menstruation. This is useful for women who have pain or no menstrual flow. The muscles of the uterus contract due to severe pain during menstruation, and this later causes irregular blood flow.

8. Sesame seeds: Add some sesame seeds to a glass of water. Drink this twice daily when you have menstrual cramps. Women with anemia endure a lot during the menstruation period.

Sesame seeds (TIL) are good quality home remedies for release from severe pain throughout the menstruation period. It also increases the blood released during menstruation. Take 1-2 teaspoons of sesame seeds in a glass of water and boil

Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Menstruation in India

1. Chicory (Cichorium Chichorium): Chicory seeds are prepared in a decoction for treating obstructed menstruation problems.

2. Bamboo (Bambusa Bambos): Bamboo acts as an emmenagogue that stimulates menstruation. The leaves are prescribed for this purpose. Regular consumption of bamboo leaves is prescribed to promote and regulate menstrual flow.

3. Asafoetida (Ferula fetida): Asafoetida is known to increase the secretion of the female hormone, progesterone. Therefore, facilitates menstruation. Using asafetida gum fried in ghee and mixed with goat’s milk and a spoonful of honey for a month can reduce pain during menstruation and also make the reduced flow.

4. Bloodwort (Achillea millefolium): The hot infusion of the leaves is taken as a Bloodworm emmenagogue. A decoction of the herb can correct irregular periods. The oil can also be used which is yields from this herb; it can be used in treating female reproductive disorders.

5. Asoka (Saraca indica): Asoka tree bark is given to women suffering blood loss during menstruation due to leucorrhea extreme or uterine fibroids. The plant has a stimulating effect on the uterine wall and the mucus layer in the reproductive tract.

Note: Smoking should be avoided if you suffer from any type of menstrual problem.

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