What Foods Reduce Stress And Anxiety?


What Foods Reduce Stress And Anxiety
We all experience a health crisis these days, and although you may not see it, but it is affecting our mental and emotional health. Many people complain about the lack of energy, the apathy, and even the anxiety that they have suffered for a few months.

Although we see it as a negative, everything that is happening, we have to try to see this as an opportunity to identify and address problems that could otherwise persist long after the world recovers from the pandemic.

It is very important to know our emotions and to know how to cope with them since emotions strengthen us and prepare us for the new reality, whatever it may be.

A healthy individual is one capable of accepting their feelings, of changing with events, and of expressing what they feel without fear of rejection. Therefore we can affirm that emotional intelligence will never be your weakness, but a muscle that you can strengthen every day.

We know that emotional intelligence takes time and a lot of therapy accompanied by meditation to control it, but a healthy diet rich in vitamins and proteins will be key so that our body begins to be healthy on the inside to be healthy on the outside.

That is why eating well, varied, and eating a diet rich in nutrients is essential for the body to be strong in the face of the coldest months in times of COVID-19. In addition, there is another factor that we have to take into account: excess stress negatively impacts our physical and mental health.

“We are pure chemistry.” Large amounts of cortisol and adrenaline trigger a series of chemical reactions that create imbalance. But, fortunately, it is shown that certain foods can help to level these substances and increase the production of positive hormones for the body.

In addition, we cannot forget that when we are subjected to great pressure, something that may be happening in these moments of great uncertainty, weakens the immune system, and this makes us more likely to get sick while exposing ourselves more easily to depression or anxiety states.

And is that the phrase “We are what we eat” is completely true, because diet can be our ally. We have to start taking anti-inflammatory foods rich in components that stimulate and strengthen our nervous and immune systems.

What foods relax you?

Here are the best ten foods that can help if you suffer from anxiety.

 1. Avocado

What a joy that this fruit is in fashion! It is so healthy, and it has so many benefits for the human body, that we should include it in our diet every day.

Although its use is becoming more and more common, few really know what its properties are. For example, only one-half of avocado gives us more potassium than a banana.

It helps us lower blood pressure naturally, and contains B vitamins and monounsaturated fats necessary for brain health.

We could say that it is a top food, that you cannot miss in your day if you want to control anxiety and take care of the health of your brain.

2. Salmon

This blue fish is excellent for its contribution of Omega 3 fatty acids and its high content of magnesium, an essential and natural nutrient that helps the body relax.

It also fights inflammation and regulates blood sugar. Therefore, the consumption of salmon helps to maintain anxiety levels and prevent the increase in stress hormones.

3. Oranges

This fruit is a powerful source of vitamin C. They have the power, due to their nutritional properties, to reduce cortisol, also known as “the stress hormone” and, blood pressure, reducing negative responses to anxiety. In addition, it gives us a rush of energy and strength to our immune system.

4. Asparagus

This food, well known in weight-loss diets, is also a magnificent nutrient that provides us with a high content of folic acid, which is beneficial if you feel a little depressed since anxiety and depression are related to low acid levels of folic.

5. Dark chocolate

If you like the bitter taste, dark chocolate will help you calm your anxiety. You will eat it for its flavor, but also when you feel a little down.

This food acts a bit like oranges since it reduces cortisol, calming anxiety, and releases chemical reactions in our brains making us feel better.

6. Antioxidants

Different studies indicate that having high levels of anxiety is related to our body having low levels of antioxidants. This problem can be reversed by eating foods rich in antioxidants.

For example, this property is present in foods such as beans, fruits such as apples, plums, and cherries, berries such as blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, walnuts, vegetables such as artichokes, kale, spinach, beets, and broccoli, and spices such as turmeric or ginger.

7. Yogurt

Taking a natural yogurt every day regenerates the intestinal flora and favors the production of serotonin, the hormone produced by the brain and which is closely related to the regulation of our mood.

It is also a powerful natural sleep regulator, facilitating sleep while controlling our stress and body temperature.

8. Oatmeal

Another of the foods best known for its consumption during diets is oats. It is a complex carbohydrate that helps increase serotonin levels in the brain.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter responsible for boosting mood and also relaxation. Although all carbohydrates have this effect (including candy, soda, sweets, or chips) as a part of being healthier, oatmeal takes longer to digest and therefore has longer-lasting effects.

9. Ostras

We know that this seafood is not feasible for all budgets but, from time to time the consumption of oysters, in addition to being a powerful aphrodisiac, has benefits to calm anxiety and stress.

Six oysters have more than half the recommended daily dose of a very important mineral for our body, zinc. In this way, the consumption of oysters increases resistance against stress, fights fatigue, and provides extra energy.

10. Came

Where there is wine there is joy and less anxiety. A glass of red wine a day helps prevent depression, anxiety, and stress.

Rosé or red wine improves our blood circulation and reduces blood pressure, among other health benefits. It plays a protective role against the stress of alcohol.

Especially red and white wine and to a lesser extent beer, it is a good reasons to drink a few glasses of wine a week to calm the body and mind.

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