Health Benefits & Side Effects Of Eating Walnuts


Health Benefits & Side Effects Of Eating Walnuts
There are many ailments that can be prevented or alleviated through diet, a powerful tool that gives our body the necessary strength to face the many threats to which it is exposed.

Among the wide range of ingredients that make up our diet, walnuts have become one of the most faithful and effective allies because, according to many scientific studies, their nutritional properties are extremely rich.

Without going any further, 25 grams of walnuts, whose name in Greek means ‘seed of God’, provide more than 90% of the daily needs of omega 3 fatty acids.

We are facing one of the nuts with the highest amount of fat, 62% of its weight, but only 9% of it corresponds to harmful saturated fats.

Also, it provides a wide variety of minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. Not forgetting the B vitamins, proteins, and fiber that it also includes in its composition.

This compendium of nutrients helps us to ensure the proper functioning of the muscles and the nervous system, eliminate waste from the body, strengthen our defenses and, therefore, the immune system, and improve our cognitive and intellectual capacities.

However, although these benefits already justify the consumption of a serving of walnuts each day, their qualities do not end there. Is it really an ‘almighty’ nut?

Benefits of walnuts for the body

Walnuts are the most popular nuts that are consumed throughout the world. Many people enjoy it eating as a snack or some use it to make delicious dishes like Cakes, Chocolates, Pie, Shakes, etc. But that’s not the end it does have many health benefits besides this which we will know about it below.

1. It boosts energy

As we have just seen, the nutrients in walnuts ensure the good condition of the muscles, with potassium being responsible for this function. However, its energy value is also capable of meeting our daily energy needs.

In addition, minerals promote muscle relaxation, intervene in the transmission of the nerve impulse, and act as an antioxidant, preventing oxidative stress. For this reason, walnuts are an ideal complement to the diet of any athlete.

2. It is good for the heart

Walnuts also have the amino acid L-arginine, which provides multiple vascular benefits, reducing the risk of heart disease. A function that is supported by omega-3 plant-based fats, which are anti-inflammatory and prevent pathological blood clots.

According to a study published in the journal ‘The New England Journal of Medicine, 30 grams of nuts a day, of which half must be walnuts, reduce the possibility of suffering from cardiovascular accidents by 30%.

3. It helps to control diabetes

According to several types of research, consuming walnuts can also help us against diabetes, especially for people predisposed to suffering from the disease or who are resistant to insulin.

Of course, its effectiveness increases, especially with type 2 diabetes. Also, due to its low glycemic index, it can also be part of the diet of those who already have the disease.

4. It is good for brain health

The brain is made up mainly of fats, which allow connection between neurons. Within this group, omega-3 fatty acids hinder the deterioration of the brain and cognitive performance.

In fact, many people associate this link with the appearance of this nut, very similar to that of the brain. They also promote the fluidity of cell membranes and the communication of information in the brain.

5. It is helpful in Osteoporosis

As it is well known, osteoporosis is a disease that decreases the level of bone mass, causing our bones to appear weaker and more fragile. This problem arises, among other reasons, due to a deficit of copper, one of the minerals present in walnuts. Consuming these can, therefore, support bone health.

6. It improves skin health

The skin is also rewarded for its many nutrients. In this case, vitamin E is responsible, which restores moisture, reducing wrinkles, balancing oily skin, preventing and reducing the visibility of scars, treating sunburn, improving the signs of lack of sleep, and can even rejuvenating our appearance thanks to its antioxidant character.

7. It Helps in weight loss

Its fiber intake regulates intestinal transit and fights constipation, in addition to keeping the appetite satiated, ideal for all those who follow slimming or weight control diets.

8. It increases the quality of sperm

One of the lesser-known benefits of walnuts is their impact on male fertility. Among men who eat a Western-style diet, add 75 grams (a little more than half a cup) of walnuts.

Daily eating of walnuts can significantly improve the quality of sperm, including vitality, mobility, and morphology ”, explains Dr. Joseph Mercola on his official website, according to data from a study published in ‘Biology of Reproduction’.

9. It gives relaxation sleep

And last but not least, the combination of tryptophan and vitamin 6 in walnuts promotes a state of relaxation and calm that helps some people to fall asleep.

Side Effects

Despite all these properties, walnuts also have their own side effects, a direct consequence of the nutrients discussed above. For example, their high fiber content can cause or worsen diarrhea when consumed in excess.

In addition, due to the risk of allergic reactions, another of its contraindications, it can trigger asthma attacks, a respiratory disease that affects millions of people around the world.

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