Chromotherapy: The Healing With Power Of light


Chromotherapy The Healing With Power Of lightChromotherapy colors can have a great impact on our mind, body, and spirit, and chromotherapy helps us find that balance.

Have you ever noticed being full of energy, optimism, and happiness thanks to a clear day with a bright blue sky? This is because there is a satisfactory hormonal response when exposed to sunlight.

However, it is more than just sunlight that produces all of these hormonal changes. Specifically, they are the colors that light generates.

In truth, light is a mix of seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each of these seven colors triggers a different hormonal reaction in our body and each color plays an important role in our well-being and in our health. We cannot live without sunlight.

Therefore, if we are deprived of any of these seven colors that the sun offers, we can experience negative symptoms in our physical and mental well-being.

For a few years now, many saunas have added the chromotherapy technique to their comforting effect. Most of them are equipped with at least six colors that you can select.

This allows users to choose different colors depending on their mood or to choose between different colored arches. Although it does not work for everyone, there is no doubt that chromotherapy does affect the energy of our body and influences our emotions, moods, and feelings.

This technique uses specific colors to meet specific needs. It can be defined as the therapeutic use of color to balance the energy of our body.

In the same way that part of the heat we receive in an infrared sauna is due to that electromagnetic spectrum that we are unable to see, color therapy focuses on the spectrum of light that we can detect. Because, in combination with other methods, this therapeutic procedure can be very effective.

How does Chromotherapy work?

If you stop to think, until not many years ago, doctors always operated on dressed in white. But then they changed to green or light blue. Why? White has been shown to excite and alter the nervous system, while the other two colors denote tranquility and relaxation.

In chemotherapy, each color has a definite and determined meaning. And it does not only matter the tone used, but also the part of the body where it is projected or where it is used because each color affects the mind and body differently. For centuries, color has been an effective treatment for physical, spiritual, emotional, and mental problems.

In Ancient Egypt, there were healing temples based on light and color, where they placed colored glass panels to flood the patient with the rays of the sun that he projected.

In hospitals around the world, different studies have concluded that light has curative therapeutic effects on chronic pain, depression, and immune system disorders. For example, the healing properties of blue light have been very effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis and in healing injured tissue.

Ultimately, the use of light therapy for healing is a non-invasive alternative that can be very beneficial when combined with other healing methods. It has also been shown to be completely safe for both children and adults and even for animals.

Chromotherapy – Power of colors

Red: It is stimulating, strong, and vigorous. This light is associated with power and vitality. It is not advisable to use it when you are angry, overly excited, or in any situation or condition that should not be stimulated.

It is the most appropriate light to combat apathy and improve nutritional metabolism and liver function. It also promotes wound healing and stimulates liver function.

1. Orange

It is a warm color, with a stimulating effect. Like red, it is not advisable to use it in times of anxiety or excitement. It is a light that stimulates immune function and improves digestion. It also relieves menstrual pain and can even cut hiccups. It also stimulates the thyroid gland and appetite.

2. Yellow

Again, another warm color with a stimulating effect. It is a color that awakens joy, and happiness and that keeps us alert. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid it in times of nerves, tension, or when suffering from neuralgia. It is a color that promotes digestion, benefits the pancreas, and reduces wrinkles, among other benefits.

3. Green

It is the color of joy, hope, and confidence. It is normally applied before and after other colors to give balance. It stimulates immune function, improves sexual function, and is beneficial for the heart or joints.

4. Blue

It is a relaxing, calm, and reassuring color. It is also a cold color. It is the color of the sky, so it has a great influence on our daily rhythms, as well as on our resting and working patterns. This light accelerates the healing of burns and relieves burning and fever. Calm the nerves and adjust the biological clock.

5. Indigo

It is the coldest color of all, so it has a relaxing effect on the mind and body. It is the appropriate light to improve intuition and strengthen the imagination. It improves sleep, calms nerves, and improves learning problems.

6. Violet

It is also a cold color, so it has a calming effect. It is the most spiritual color since it helps to promote the feeling of unity with the world. Calms the nervous system and mental stress.

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