Which Ayurvedic Medicine Is Best For Frozen Shoulder?


Which Ayurvedic Medicine Is Best For Frozen ShoulderTendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons and can affect any part of the body, although the most common is that we suffer tendinitis in the tendons that are in the extremities.

Shoulder tendinitis is also known as tendinitis of the rotator cuff. This inflammation can be very painful, getting in the way of a normal life. Therefore, we will see how to cure shoulder tendonitis and the main methods of shoulder tendonitis treatment.

Frozen shoulder causes

A frozen shoulder is the result of inflammation, scarring, thickening, and the contraction of the capsule around the normal shoulder joint. Any injury to the shoulder can lead to a frozen shoulder, including tendinitis, bursitis, and rotator cuff injuries.

Frozen shoulders occur more frequently in patients with diabetes, chronic inflammatory arthritis of the shoulder, or chest after breast surgery. Prolonged immobility of the shoulder joint can put people at risk of developing a frozen shoulder.

A frozen shoulder is suggested during examination when the shoulder range of motion is significantly limited, with the patient or the examiner attempting the movement.

Underlying diseases involving the shoulder can be diagnosed with a history, physical examination, blood tests, X-ray examination of the shoulder, and orthography. The tissues of the shoulder can also be evaluated with an MRI scan.

A frozen shoulder generally affects people over 40, more women than men, and it is also associated with being overweight or having diabetes, but not necessarily.

Whatever the reason, a frozen shoulder is one of the most disabling and long-lasting shoulder disorders, as it severely restricts the range of motion of the affected shoulder, making daily activities normally assume the impossible tasks.

Symptoms of tendonitis

The symptoms of shoulder tendonitis are especially noticeable since they tend to interfere with normal daily activities that involve movements of the arm forward and in height (placing a book on a shelf, for example). Also, just sleeping on the affected arm can be difficult for a person with tendonitis to bear.

The pain of shoulder tendinitis, like other types of tendonitis, tends to get worse and become more annoying as time passes or as we carry out the activities that could have caused the ailment (in the case of sports, for example).

It is an acute pain that can become intolerable. It may happen that when doing warm-up exercises the pain is not so insistent, but once the body cools down the real discomfort begins.

Treatment for shoulder tendonitis

The basis of treatment for shoulder tendonitis, and to cure other types of tendonitis, involves reducing pain through anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by the doctor and going through a period of immobility of the affected area.

Avoiding exercises, sports, and other activities that could hinder treatment or cause more pain to the patient. To immobilize the arm, it is possible to resort to a sling. In addition, hot-cold treatment should be applied several times a day.

To apply cold compresses you should put ice on a wet towel and fold it. We must place the compress on the affected area 5 times a day for about 20 minutes each time (no more, no less). Hot compresses should be done about 4 times a day for 25 minutes.

This treatment should be accompanied by physiotherapy exercises indicated by a specialist, especially if the arm remains immobilized. Treatment involves immobility of the area for at least 3 weeks.

Once this period has passed and the pain persists, you can consult your doctor to resume normal activities and return to the exercise routine gradually and moderately.

Ayurvedic Cure & Natural Treatments

1. Black sesame seeds: It is very effective in providing pain relief. All you need to do is take a tablespoon of black sesame seeds and soak them in water. Let steep overnight and the next morning you can eat the seeds along with the water.

2. Heating Pad: It is also considered one of the effective home remedies. It helps in making stiff joints and weak muscles and reduces pain. All you need to do is apply a warm compress on the affected area for fifteen minutes. Continue this process three to six times per day.

3.  Pineapple & Papaya: Pancreas produces proteolytic enzymes that are produced naturally and aid in the digestion of proteins we eat. These enzymes are also available in certain foods such as pineapple, and papaya and are also available from the animal pancreas.

Supplements derived from these things are available in some groceries, pharmacies, and health food stores and can be found online. There are also some side effects such as upset digestive enzymes and allergic reactions.

Other Tips

  • Ghee and oil are consumed in moderation with meals. Be very useful in lubricating joints and shoulder drying loss.
  • Eat warm and sweet only. Consume hot soups made with vegetables, lentils, or meat with a pinch of long pepper, ginger, and black pepper.
  • You can even try acupuncture, which is basically a procedure for pain.
  • The area affected by shingles should be kept clean and dry.
  • The pain caused by shingles can be reduced by applying cool, wet compresses.
  • It is very necessary that the patient who suffers from herpes take plenty of rest.
  • Acupuncture is also very useful to overcome this problem of shingles.
  • The application of peppermint oil or geranium oil on the affected area regularly reduces the problem of shingles.

Ayurvedic Medicines for Shoulder Pain

The Ayurvedic treatment of a frozen shoulder is aimed at treating pain and stiffness and maintaining the mobility of the shoulder joint. Medicines like Triphala and Guggulu can be used to reduce inflammation in the shoulder joint. Other medicines like

  • Maha-Vat-Vidhwans-Ras
  • Vat-Gajankush Ras
  • Vish-Tinduk Vati-Dashmoolarishta
  • Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina)
  • Nirgundi (Vitex negundo)
  • Tagar (Valeriana wallichii)
  • Khurásání ova (Hyoscyamus Niger)

The above medicines can be used to reduce joint pain. If there is Stiffness in the shoulder various capsule can be helpful drugs such as.

  • Trayodashang-Guggulu
  • Tapyadi Loh, Ekang Veer-Ras
  • Laxadi Guggulu
  • Shallaki (Boswellia serrata)
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Exercises Recommended for Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder exercises at home with two phases: phase stretching and regular daily exercise. The stretching step is most important in the process of relieving a frozen shoulder.

The daily exercise program is the most important in the process of minimizing or preventing future occurrences of the disease. If you are doing stretching exercises used the good arm known as a “therapist arm”.

Stretching the affected arm correctly relies heavily on the use of the arm. Performing stretching exercises for a frozen shoulder must be done by counting from 1 to 100 to be more effective.

Exercises include raising the arm above the head when lying down, raising the arm above the head when sitting, raising the arm above the head with a pulley, rotating the arm at bedtime, turning the arm when standing, reaching, arm, behind the back, and reached through the front of the body.

If you want to stretch the muscles more effectively in the shoulder joint, remember to relax your arms so that the deep tissues are also extended. This will give you the best stretch on the shoulder. This routine must be repeated at least three times per day.

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